war for peace online

Awaiting connection

arrow keys to move the little guy. shift to attack. 1-7 wasd to move spacebar to attack. 1 you emit a blue element guy with a staff. 2 you emit a guy with a blue element gun. 3 you emit a guy with a purple element bomb. 4 emits a guy with purple element lightning.5 emits a guy with purple dual blades, attacks are right and left arrow keys. attacks jump forward. 6 emits a guy with a fire sword that shoots projectiles.7 emits a guy that throws trip mines. when you press the up arrow hint after pressing the supers number wait one minuet before they appear. if you get hit by a super's attack don't freak out if you disappear or can't move you will move and appear again. supers only last one minuet before disappearing{ accept number 3, it only lasts one attack.} when dead you can't move. Press 9 or 0 for a mysterie super. not finished.
