Mario's Adventure


Mario's Adventure starts with princess peach being kidnapped by the evil Koopa King (again)! Mario and Luigi's Journey takes them from the classic world 1-1, to Creative new levels!


MOVE : left and right arrow keys

JUMP : up arrow key

WALL JUMP : jump to a wall, and hold the direction you are moving to reach that wall once you touch it. Now, press the jump button, then turn around and jump again. To get higher, just repeat the process. If done correctly, you will master the wall jump!

FIRE BALL: Mario and Luigi have the ability to shoot fireballs at will. Press 'Ctrl' to shoot a fireball as Mario, and 'E' for Luigi. ______________________________________________________________

(Luigi's controls are the same, except instead of the arrow keys, you use the W A S D keys.) [Press SHIFT to retry if you die]

Congratulations, you now know how to play the game, you can now tackle this adventure with ease!
