The Confusing Adventure


Controls: Up: Up arrow, Down: Down arrow, Left: Left arrow, Right: Right arrow Description: I was tired bored and confused of what I was making. When I started level two I was just lost and did things randomly. There might be some bugs so email me

Story: Well Zin met his brother Jack and Journeyed on to defeat her monsters.(Play second game(coming soon)). He went places and did things. Stuff: Don't get caught by the purple thing you will suffer. Hidden things. Easter egg: If you want to get the pickaxe and key for the second game figure out this code. Code: aus dfs eff cvx vcf hog krj iip opi ckj gkh gsa sxd esd/ usf dsg cev cvv sfs osd srs fpv bih frc htk ahf dxg heh

Bugs you may notice: Sometimes only some of the monsters work. What that means is that when you die to some of the purple things your game might freeze. Just double tap escape to restart.I will fix this bug in the future.
