Water Simulation (Various Tests)



Use WSAD or Right Click (or Tap & Hold on mobile) to jump and move around in the water.

Press Tilda [~] to hide / show the outline on the water.

Left Click (or Tap) on a fish to move it around.

This water is made using the new Joint behavior.

Be aware that if you want to use this in your game, it's a bit temperamental and may freeze if you don't have everything set up properly. You need to set the names of the water Joint Spawners to how many links you want them to have, and you need to make sure that the Jointed Water Visual Spawner objects always have Jointed water objects above them (or else the game will freeze). Also, the collision groups need to be set up properly or else the water may go through the floor.

IMPORTANT NOTE: this system only works for bodies of water that are not above one another. In other words, you can never have a Water Visual object with more than 1 Jointed Water object above it, or the game will freeze. You can have as many bodies of water as you like, as long as they are not hanging over one another.

LEVEL 5: WARNING! This level may crash your browser! This water consists of a thousand particles. I was so surprised by how well Flowlab simulates water that I decided to go all the way and make lots of them. Each particle is translucent blue, frictionless, low density, and has a bit of bounce. Enjoy the slideshow!
