Classic TD (Functional Tower Defense)


Made by thebrickccentric (Also thanks to JR01 for helping optimize the performance)

Press "1" for Easy Mode, "2" for Normal Mode, or "3" for Hard Mode. Press "M" to mute / unmute the music. Press "F" to toggle Fullscreen.

The yellow number is your money (use it to buy towers, earn it by killing enemies); the purple number number is your life points (how many enemies can pass the end before you lose).

Click any grey block to build a tower on it. Click "Start" or "Next Wave" to start defending against the next group of enemies.
Click a tower to see its range or to upgrade it when on Level 2 or 3. Once you beat Level 1, you unlock the ability to upgrade towers on it as well.

There is a Challenge Level 4 in the editor if you get bored of Level 3.
Watch out for some tricky enemies . . .
