Timed Scroller


This Game demonstrates 2 ways to do a "Timed Scroller" Level. Both types use an invisible scroller block with an attached camera and an initial x velocity. When the Scroller collides with the "End" Block, the level restarts.

Level 1 Utilizes the "In View" Block to sense when the player has left the screen and causes a Game Over. Pros: Code works for falling out of the world as well. Cons: Player may never leave the screen including the front and top of the screen.

Level 2 Utilizes a "Wall of Death" Block that moves at the same speed as the Scroller slightly off screen. It pushes the player and causes a Game Over when the Player is in a 19 unit proximity to it and collides with any object in front of it thus becoming "squished". Pros: can easily be programed to instantly cause a Game Over upon collision with the rear of the level. Cons: Requires an additional "Death Wall" Object and additional coding for falling out of the level.
