CubeTales 2: Spherical Revelations (MASSIVE OVERHAUL UPDATE UNDERWAY)



Arrows or WAD to move

X to slash sword. You can move it with the mouse. Y to unequip and X to equip again.

Double-tap the right or left buttons to sprint in that direction

YGHJ to spawn a spike that faces that direction. This can be used as a difficulty increaser.

Press Q to pick up the laser gun when you're close to it, and S to pick up the Shield Deployer. Press those same buttons again to drop them. To carry these items into the next level, simply double-press their respective equip buttons when the new level begins.

Press the numbers 1 through 7 to select a skin. Reset to default by pressing R.

` to restart the game, F to enter fullscreen, Backspace to restart the level, and P to pause the game. And remember: pink sawblades are friendly.

Made in collaboration with Prism4atic Turtle.
