Epic Platformer


controls are F to attack with your trusty metal pipe WAD and arrows and try to get all the coins walk up to question mark and touch it for help touching HP orbs orbs will heal you 1 HP stunning an enemy will give you a better chance of your bar to refill and getting a second hit in before your enemy attacks your yellow bar is your stamina and the red bar is your health ram cracked stone blocks and plank barricades to break them

this game was a project started in 2020 for fun most sounds / music are from Terraria and this will change in the future

this game is very buggy and super unfinished


sorry for the very very 4 year long break, I may not be able to make decent progress on this game BUT i will try my best as i've kind of forgotten how flowlab works and cant add more levels or items because i no longer have a subscription. hopefully in th near future i can come back to this game and fully flesh it out in version 1.3(and later versions) wich i had been working on for a while then took a very small 4 year break from it. this game isn't entirely dead as i really want to keep updating it, even if no one plays or reads these this is still one of my hobbies. i'd love to come back to this game but as of right now i can't :( . i may still update its every now and then or add more features behind the scenes wich may be released in later 1.2.x versions or the big 1.3 version i might put some work into a different game just to try something new but for now this project will be stuck for the most part in 1.2.x. theres so much i want to add but unfortunately i cannot. BUT WAIT... theres more, i am fixing some things that will be pushed soon! stamina fix is right now and more are soon to come. if you did enjoy this very short, janky, and silly game please give it a like! love you all that have played this silly game!

latest update: 1.2.1 patch2 patch 2 for 1.2.1 (16/10/2024)

Hey! tiny update today. I've fixed a slight issue thats always bugged me, the stamina bar not resetting properly when being hit by an enemy. now, it works as intended being reset properly even while recharging it gets reset and displays the stamina correctly

old updates:

1.2.1: Still no music :(

slimes can now interrupt your attacks and reset your stamina bar when they hit you

(in the process of adding a charge animation to the player that will and can be interrupted by enemies)

attack animation now has an extra frame to the end

stamina bar has been refined





SURPRISE!!! i've risen from the dead, sorta.. staminas been fixed! read the patch notes for more info! i am likely to push out more with this in the very very near future! i might even polish up the new(old) levels i had been working on and bring them to 1.3 sooner as a smaller update and i'd love to keep working on this as much as possible! might add dodging / rolling that uses stamina but recharges way faster. this is fort when i completely overhaul combat! coming.. eventually. theres also 3 secrets in this game that being a entrance to the test world in level 1 and a secret underground section in lvl 4(final level as of now). also theres a way to get a preview of the 1.3 level in lvl 4, you just have to find it..


next big update will include some new levels and features

please note that i am the only person working on this game updates especially big ones will take time
