Quik Melon


A small game I made a very, very long time ago. I called it 'Quick Melon' because 1, I wanted a random-sounding name for some reason, and 2, I really liked the idea of movable melons, and only melons, in video games, since a similar concept was being developed in my main game, Blockii. However, my interest for this game has skyrocketed, I'm now updating it, and I plan to make it a kind of practice or testing ground for me in the future. Maybe this 'Quick Melon' game wasn't so random after all. And sorry I haven't been doing much as of late, but trust me, I'm back. I truly am.

MORE ABOUT: quikmelon.fandom.com


(Keyboard right now only, sorry about that)
A or [Left Arrow] - Move Left
D or [Right Arrow] - Move Right
[Space] or [Up Arrow] - Jump
S - Toggle Sprint
Z - Zoom In
X - Zoom Out
Q - Quit
J - Move Camera Left
L - Move Camera Right
K - Move Camera Down
I - Move Camera Up
C - Clear/Reset Camera, Movement, and Other Modifications
` - Hard Reset
[Click Player to enter and exit Full Screen]


1: [Completed for Now] Experimentation with the speed of moving and jump height. I'm trying out different things and am seeing if they work well.

2: Mobile UI. I want this game to be for everyone, and I mean that. I'm trying out a supposed UI for the game: a left and right arrow, to, well, move left and right just like 'a' and 'd', an up arrow to jump, and a spinning arrow for... something. I'll get to that. I may also plan to add an 'x' UI button for quitting. As for a UI for the spectator system, that may come in the far future as the IJKL system is mostly technical and not too important. Same goes for 'c'.

3: Missions. The large red arrow next to you, I hope, will eventually be used to point you in the right direction of missions, places to go, things for you to do. It could eventually just be a 'closest challenge/mission is this way' arrow.

4: Spritzing. That's what the spinning arrow could be used for. I eventually want to add some kind of moving enemy for the game, and the Spritz could attack and push them away, and after enough hits can eventually kill them. However, the Spritz will only attack when you're near said enemy. I got big plans for an animation for the player whenever you Spritz, too. However, when you're not near an enemy, the Spritz is like a way to temporarily boost yourself in many ways, 'redeem' yourself (I got some plans for redeeming), and at the same time kindof puts your player in a calm and collective mode. Yes, I know that sounds contradictory, giving powers yet calming down, but I essentially want the Spritz to be like Dopamine, and/or Adrenaline. It's a strange concept. However, right now, I'm struggling with attempting to implement any of this.

5: A weather system, or seasonal system. After some period of time, mist may float close to the ground, thus creating 'fog', perhaps rain or thunder could issue from clouds at one point, and I even plan for, under the right circumstances when there's a good mix of clouds and mist right next to each other, the cloud will float along and away like real clouds. I also plan to maybe make mist more smoothly float in the air in future. I'm also considering a day-night system too, which would be pretty cool, and multiple times I've even considered adding sunsets and sunrises to the background.

6: Make the spectator system completely togglable. Not only would this allow spectator to be disassociated with the regular positioning system of the player, and thus resolve many bugs, but it would also essentially add game modes to QM, which could be a cool concept.


1: I have decided to give the very first people who ever play this game a very, very large screen, for two reasons. 1, So that it's easier for them to see the entire map at once, or 2, I did it because it looked kindof cool and also because I can.

2: I nearly edited all 5 of the UI arrows so that there would be a greyish box around them, so that the 5 arrows looked more like actual buttons that those on mobile could press. I messed around a bit with that idea of making the UI seem more 'fixed', but eventually scrapped the idea - at least for now. So nothing implemented yet, but maybe soon.

3: Wait. Hold on. I gotta change the screen size back for a little bit, I gotta test some stuff.

4: Hm. It's raining Melons, now. Wonder how.

5: Ok, bunch of stuff changed. The screen size went through many iterations, but I think this may be a good size. Small adjustments were made to the map (and don't worry, soon the melon rain/volcanic eruption will be gone too), the UI has been moved, and I've been trying my hardest to make the UI work like the keyboard, but with little success. However, it does now work with the up, left and right buttons, so that's a 5-second-adjustment thrown in there. Oh, and I'm experimenting with a new feature. Involving a new keyboard key. You try and figure it out.

6: Hey, you. Yeah. You. Try escaping Cloudia. And yes, it is possible. I also made the friction for the player way lower, and I may be able to get the Jump button, and then all the other buttons, working quite soon. I also polished out a bit the 'hanging mechanic', as I call it, or the ability to grab onto blocks when falling or using pillars of blocks to propel yourself high up.

7: Added Void Structures

8: Changed the sky colour, added the completely new 'Mist' block, added parent blocks to certain blocks, modified the world a lot with mist, added the very first sound to the game, being the hit sound when falling onto a brick block, added the very temporary 'q' exit button (which bugs out a lot and is not reliable, I should fix it, but for now, it's just a tester), and VERY NEARLY added the very first music track to the game. It failed, but I promise to get this track in soon. Also tried fixing the UI again; no luck.

9: OK, this is kindof both a note and an update. As for updates, I've made slight adjustments to the map right now to make it better (plus, I found some random void structure just chilling. Huh). I've also just made slight adjustments to some behaviours and some minor things. However, I've decided to temporarily disable sound again (despite the fact that I've found many sounds for many different blocks). Reason being, I feel like if I'm going to add sound, I need to check up on it constantly to make sure the sound's just right, in as many ways I can. I'm not going to add horrible sounds to the game one by one and slowly change them, but instead, make a big sound update and then build from there. I also plan to add animations to the player, lava/magma (I'm considering renaming 'Lava' to 'Magma', but perhaps I shouldn't), and even animations to blocks when you hit them (but making those animations very slight). I also plan to add moving clouds, too. But here's my note: as the game has progressed, the amount of bugs and things that just don't work right, or even things that used to work very well but now don't work for some reason have been popping up everywhere. So, for a little while, I plan to make only minor changes, little by little. But don't worry, I promise, something big will come along, and I always come back. I'll be back making large updates before you know it.

10: Introduced, in an EXTREMELY EARLY STAGE, 'spectator mode'. Now, using I-J-K-L similar to W-A-S-D will allow you to move the camera itself. However, it currently has MANY problems, and things I want to add to it. a) it's extremely slow. I'll probably have this fixed by the time you read this. b) It's oddly linked to W-A-S-D, and it's on by default. My ultimate plan - and this'll be very difficult - will be to allow you, with 1 button, toggle between spectator mode and regular mode within the game, and have them be separate positioning codes. And c) I want to add a button which will allow you to put the camera back to the player, exactly. And finally, d) I want to make it so that the UI would change or not move from the player when in spectator mode; currently it looks very awkward having the UI for the regular positioning system move wherever the camera goes when you use the spectator positioning system.

11: I have fixed a handfull of bugs, and plan to add a new 'Notalia' system very soon, which you might see very soon. I'm also considering adding a health system already, but as of right now, I'm happy with the 1-bad-hit-equals-death system. I may also slightly update a bunch of textures very soon. Further, I've made a bunch of small tweaks to many parts of the game. Plus, the bug of needing to jump sometimes to fall down a hole is now fixed, and the grab-&-catapult mechanic (where you click the space button to hold onto a block or hold space to launch yourself) has been tweaked a bit, but not fully nerfed. Also, death messages were changed too, and there were some small map adjustments. I also have a better device to develop this game on now, so that's nice. I'm also considering moving this entire enormous description to some kind of forum, so that it's less messy. Maybe soon.

12: Ok, first large update in a while; completely overhauled the spectating system, completely changed the 'Quit game' System, made it so that you can accept the 'go again' or 'rejoin' buttons by just clicking anywhere, attempted to nerf the G&C system, modified the cloud texture a lot, completely overhauled the 'base' texture, renamed the block 'base' to 'ground', first animation plans have been imagined and may be implemented soon, temporarily changed the sky texture to reflect a kind of 'late evening' setting, you can now press 'q' a second time to confirm that you want to quit, simplified the quitting system a bit, and as for the complete overhaul of the spectator system, now you can press 'x' to zoom out and back in and 'z' to zoom in and back out, you can now press 'c' to immediately move the camera directly back to the player and reset the zoom as a kind of 'clear' button, modified plank opacity, sounds and UI updates may be coming soon too, and the IJKL buttons now move the camera WAY faster. Nice, finally got a large update out! I even got some time to fix a few glitches, modify death messages, and I've begun work on a potential forum for this description to be moved to. Ooh, also changed the map a bit here and there and made all the clustered clouds near spawn much further apart, but not too much further apart.

13: Large amount of bugs spotted with all the different alerts. All these bugs are now fixed, however, as a consequence, you can no longer click anywhere to get rid of alerts (both the death alerts and the 'rejoin the game' alert when you quit the game). Now, you need to click the button specifically to resolve alerts. I hope, however, to try to reimplement that feature back in, but for now, that feature's gone. Oof. Also slightly modified both the player texture and the ground texture. Especially the ground texture.

14: Made some minor changes, but a large update's coming soon. Anyways, the sky color slightly changed (for now), nearly implemented a game refresh system but the idea has been abandoned (for now), and among other changes, now, all controls for the game now hide the cursor. But do not fret; if you wanna use the cursor, or click on the player with the cursor to enable full screen, just press 'c' to bring the cursor back. Also made some tweaks to many alert messages.

15: Ok, quick update. I just readded a new control, available on (most) keyboards, which occurs when you press " ` " - it hard resets the game, no matter the circumstance. However, whilst this is a very simple addition, I hope to expand on it in future - in other words, one day, I want to add occasional saves every once in a while for the game, and the Hard Reset key would take you back, just to be safe, to your second-last auto-save. Which would make the key technically not a hard reset, but right now it's a hard reset. Plus, I want to eventually add a warning, or even 2 warnings, before you Hard Reset, just in case. As for why I added this feature right now? I mainly added the feature due to some (under rare circumstances) collision or 'suffocation' glitches which you can't seem to get out of. Well, even then, now you can get out of even those rare glitches within the game.

16: Never mind, another quick update: added sprint and a bunch of new Notalias (which you can see when you open the game's code). Sprint can be enabled and disabled with 's', and can be cleared/turned off with 'c' (since 'c' is basically a 'clear all modifications' button). Sprint lets you, well, move way faster going left and right. However, I'm a little unhappy with Sprint, since it is, as of current, EXTREMELY overpowered, so I may nerf it at some point or make it so that you'd need to hold down 's' in order to sprint. I'm also considering making the Sprint button [shift] instead of 's', maybe, so that may be a small change coming soon. Also, the forum's coming along well and may be introduced very soon, finally cleaning up this messy description.


1: [FIXED] Player Hitbox sometimes a little off. Sometimes to get through certain spaces, and very inconsistently, you need to jump before getting into certain places. Definitely a Bug.

2: [DEVELOPING] Player Grab&Catapult Mechanic can allow for WAY-TOO-OVERPOWERED slingshots, just by going up to a wall and holding the jump button. The Grab&Catapult Mechanic does work very well with mist, or when on a platform and you shake left to right in order to takeoff, but it may be an overpowered mechanic right now. 100% a Bug/Unintended Feature. Or, a feature that does work well for what it's meant for, but can be exploited very easily.

3: I want to try to make clouds only bounce you a little bit in some cases, but a lot in other cases. This may be difficult though, and I'll probably need to make a separate block for this (which I really don't wanna do).

3.1: I want to try to make it so that, sometimes, if a bunch of mist is all gathered together, all the mist will move together in a kind of cloud.
3.2: I want some way, just some way, that mist will rarely drift down to the ground, but not be too distracting, thus creating fog. That may be very difficult to implement, though.

4: Give Lava and the Player multiple animations! Maybe even a few cloud and mist animations too.

5: As it turns out, because of their textures, planks and lava render horribly when zoomed out with 'x'. I hope to attempt to solve this by changing their textures at some point, but as I don't wanna do that, I'm gonna try to find some other way to make planks and lava render properly. However, lava in a weird way looks swell when rendered a little wrongly, so only planks need to be worried about right now.
