F.P.S. (Alpha)


Basically a Unity 3D FPS demade into 2D. Also, BEANZ! F.P.S. Stands for Fun. Pill. Shooter.

Dev Log: 11/16/21 I have added a full shop system finally! 3 skins in the shop; get cash from skulls dropped by enemies.

Controls: WASD - Movement, Left Click - Shoot, 1 - Switch to Revolver, 2 - Switch to SMG, 0 - Switch to Shield, 3 - Switch to Sniper, 4 - Switch to BANANA GUN, 5 - Switch to Fire Shotgun, 6 - Switch to GlItChEd SmG?, 7 - Switch to Sword.

NEW UPDATES: I will add skins for your bean and hats too; Also I've been working on making ammo shells that fall to the ground after shooting for more effects.
