Ruby's Rampage



As Ruby:

Arrow Keys to Move and Jump

(Hold) Q to Shoot

1 to face Right Fixed

2 to face Left Fixed

C to Throw Grenades

(Hold) Z to Block (Only blocks attacks from a direction facing)

Space to Punch

(Hold) X to fire Lightning

As Mech 01 - Ball:

Space to Thrust

Arrow keys to Move

Up to climb Rails (NCA)

As Mech 02 - Walker

Arrow Keys to Move

Click (Anywhere) to Fire Missiles

As Mech 03 - Climber

Arrow Keys to Move and Jump

Space to hit

Up to Climb Special Walls


Fight through as many enemies as possible for an endless amount of time using a machine gun, bombs, your fists, a Lightning Gun and, after a minute of survival, gain the ability to transform into one of the 3 Mechs of your choice all with different abilities and perks to help thin the herd of enemies to face/

You cannot manually replenish your supplies (Lightning Energy, Grenades,) and these things shall replenish over time (Lightning Energy replenishes 25% every 30 seconds, you get a new grenade every 7 seconds, etc) Though Health does not replenish.

TIP: Use "1" or "2" keys to face left or right consistently to fight against hordes better, especially with your gun, pressing them again disbales the effect.
