

Alone is a Side-scrolling adventure game which tackles important issues to do with Mental Health. Take the role of a White Spirit to take out all the different negative emotions before they evolve and get much worse.

Alone: Jump is a Minigame accessible from the Main Menu, the player will take control of an 8-bit Young spirit and try their hardest to get through the level without being consumed by the Soul lake underneath.


This story takes place in the year 2000, In the city of Minnesota, a new child is born named “Elizabeth” being cared for by a loving Father and a not-so-friendly Mother. The mother was hateful and full of dread while the father was kind and caring and wished the best for Elizabeth. During Elizabeth’s 8th birthday, Elizabeth was given a new pet Cat named “Bella”, a Birman cat breed; however, after this, bad news struck. The Father found out the Mother was cheating on him for multiple men as she secretly works as a Prostitute. This suddenly causes a ruckus inside of the house, loud crashes, Heavy thumps, Glass shattering, and much more, this causes Elizabeth to find carefully hiding under a table holding Bella with dear life as they watch the Mother and Father fight each other like madmen.

After a couple of Hours, Elizabeth stood out from the bottom of a table to see the House flipped upside down with windows shattered, paintings and pictures ruined, Elizabeth was scarred for life and the Father nowhere to be seen. The Mother looking terrible sat down on the ruined couch contemplating whether or not to continue to take care of Elizabeth as she knows the Father will never return. After a while, they decided to move houses as they couldn’t afford to live there anymore. They moved to Mississippi where the Mother was originally from and found a place for Elizabeth to go to school. The School was not welcoming as the Mother’s Business was very popular in that area meaning everyone knew the Mother was a Prostitute and took Elizabeth as some sort of Unwanted birth, treating her with the worst of respect, pulling her hair, calling her names, the teachers purposely giving her bad grades and much more, However, there was one boy which wanted to be friends with Elizabeth as he did not believe any sort of rumors going around the school, this boy’s name was “David”. They quickly became friends and relied on each other for help, even to the extent of trying his hardest to protect her from Bullies causing him to get injured almost every day.

After every day from school, Elizabeth would come home to see a different man with her mother every time and find Bella unfed and unkempt leaving Elizabeth to do the house’s chores and such while not being given any mind from the mother forcing Elizabeth to act more and more different each and every time in the worst way possible. However, one night Elizabeth started to dream of a little white Spirit roaming the world helping everyone’s problems and issues, wishing it could help her too. This is where the game would start as the player is soon to find out it wasn’t a dream at all as you help Elizabeth get rid of these bottled-up emotions which could lead to different types of mental health disorders.

(Type in 'Bowser' on the Main Menu screen for a little Surprise)
