Taile Gamougg: Ligma


Arrows or WASD to move.Shift to dash in the direction you're facing.

Z to equip Interactor gun. Press Spacebar or click anywhere to fire it.

Press Backspace to restart the level if you are stuck. Press ` to restart the whole game and return to the main menu. Press M to mute music, and press U to unmute it.

There are two enemy classes: Enemy and Minion. Enemies have 6 health and Minions have 3 health. Minions can only be summoned by bosses, while Enemies are placed on the map by default.

There are at least 6 Easter eggs hidden in this game. Can you find them all?

Made by John Shrekinson on February 16th, 2022. Majority of art redone by puginarug.
