The Easy Game: GROUNDED


Yeah this flowlab update ruined my game.. sorry but this game will not be worked on until flowlab fixes their system

Jumping is a bit buggy, there is a double jump preventing system I am working on.. Also I will be fixing the key system as doors don't open with keys for some reason

Jumping does not work all the way for right now.

You can jump but jumping on walls or jumping while touching a wall is disabled due to a bug

Flowlab game developers have been angry that the basic run and jump movement causes the player to infinity jump as long as it is touching something and get stuck on the wall when trying to climb.

My goal is to fix this in my game with a system of raycast and logic gate blocks. Updates will appear at the bottom of the game description

Welcome to the Easy Game: GROUNDED!

In this game you use the Arrows or WAD keys to move the green or blue player. Color of the player can be changed in the settings menu.

Objective: Avoid spikes, Lava and Blades to jump and move your way down the map. Reach the end and collect the final key that leads to a mysterious door.. Hmm wonder where that can be..

Use platforms and checkpoints to help navigate throughout the map. Checkpoints are designed to save the X and Y value of the player so when you die or log out and log back into the game you will not lose progress.

If you want to restart there is a option in the settings menu that says "Restart Game" this will bring you into a menu which you will either select "Yes"or "No"

Yes: Deletes all progress done by the player and completely restart the as if they never played it..

No: Brings you back to the settings menu

Other Keys:

P: this will pause the game, I can not add a menu as I am out of sprites

M: this will bring you back to the main menu

V: 1.1

Update 1.1: Testing mode has been enabled.. Jumping is being reworked

Update 2.0:

Jump bug fix (Currently working on)

Current color now has a background

Death animation is now a little faster and the player shrinks to the ground

Rotation has been disabled

More coming soon for this update (Read below for upcoming features)

Coming soon: Better camera view (Expanded view) Animation for switching between menus
