runni boi


note:this game can only be played on computers.this game is called runni boi to play you need to complete all levels. to move press the right, left, up arrow keys/W.A.S.D keys and avoid the fire and if you touch the fire you will restart the game from the beginning of the stage

. and you have one life. the more levels you complete the harder it can mute and play by pressing m and p.and you can connect a controller if you connect the controller it will make voice, how to play with the controller: x button:right-b button:left-y button:jump,left stick x=p,right stick x=m,right stick y=f,left stick y=b,d pad up=s,and you can restart the game by pressing r.every 5 levels there is a boss and to defeat the boss press e to shot it click f to flip your player b to flip it again,every boss level has hard-to-pass lines(this game is 60 FPS)download puffin web browser to play on ipad/phone,press h for help.
