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in space... two solar systems were touching and after years and years a planet from each solar system collided one of them was called crystalin, obviously it was made out of crystals and one was called magynar and it was made out of pure magma. magynar was hard so it didn't break but crystalin broke and many of the pieces went to earth and combined with rocks in our asteroid belt. one of the pieces was discovered by a guy and he named it the rainbow rock it then fell in jameses (james is a 10 year old boy with a red hoodie and blue pants with blond curly hair and brown eyes ) yard. james woke up from the booming of it landing went to check it out! Rainbow Rock, a fantasy game. Help James discover the 6 shards of the Rainbow Rock. If screen freezes just refresh it. also, for people with chrome books the screen might say "error infinite loop" or something like that on level 1. just a heads up.
