3D Graphics Rendering (Functional)


Genuine 3 dimensional graphics rendering; no tricks or faking of 3D effects

WS=Move model Up & Down

AD=Move Model Right & Left

ZX=Move Model Forward & Backward

RF=Rotate Model Around X-Axis

QE=Rotate Model Around Y-Axis

CV=Rotate Model Around Z-Axis

Left&Right Arrows=Change Model (13 available so far)

+- =Change Model Color

Inside the "3D Renderer" object, you can paste in your own triangulated .obj file into the text behavior, and it should be able to be rendered properly. (The model MUST BE TRIANGULATED, meaning no quads or n-gons.) Try to keep the triangle count under 200, since anything more will lag quite a bit. Also try to ensure that your vertex coordinates are not crazy big or small, since that will result in scientific notation being used in the .obj file (and my system here cannot read scientific notation).

All models here have their sources listed in their Text behavior's note.

You may notice that sometimes the triangles are not ordered properly and appear in front of a triangle which they should actually be behind. I am unsure how to solve this given that to perfectly solve it would require per-pixel triangle rasterization to be a viable option in Flowlab (which I don't think it currently is). This just uses an average of the triangles' verteces' z values to sort them from front to back, but it's not a perfect system, especially for longer triangles. Any suggestions are welcome..

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