MvMM: scrapling scramble

Awaiting connection

(inspiration comes from splatoon's salmon run side mode) Hey! Mr gon here! I just wanna assure all humans that EVERYTHING will be just fine. I repeat, EVERYTHING WILL BE 'ERRRRRROOR'

MUa HA HAHA!1 We'r e da scraplings... Bold er and bigGer t han yo u are we!


OHHHHHHHHHH Tankers gonna mow you down, stringers gettin strangly, combusters be m'penitrable! Roasters shall bring the flame, SCRAPLINGS PAIN WILL BRING WE!! ohhhh...Zapper hands will make yu fired, Deadly Lancers fly ever higher, Longrangers have rifles (OH NO!). Dont forget scrap casters and their wrenches! and also the chickens that are NUMEROUS. ohh... WIRERS are pulling up (they kill), lithium armors are here! How lucky! Foggers make it hard to see, and future updates gonna make us stronger... WE'RE DA SCRAPLINGS, THE ROBOT ZOMBIES. WE'RE DA SCRAPLINGS, CLANKING INTO BATTLE. WE'RE THE SCRAPLINGS, WE RISE UP FROM THE RECYCLIIIIIIIING!!!

tip Just a... When us co ming tomwards u you se e. MAke s-ure to do No Thing! ye p, noTHing, and wait four u s TO app roach and DeePplate your hP! When it says 0, dat mean s y ou W0n the GAEM!!!
