Store Front


This game was made for Speedjam #1

Store Front is a game where you have to find your dad lost in the supermarket. You have to escape from a creep that is following you around. There are also angry shoppers that are aggravated at you running around and being noisy. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU HAVE A GUN. You have to collect a tool to break doors open to find your dad. You have to get rid of the creep though since he might TAKE you away if you find your dad without him dead.

Store Front is a game build around the theme Hello! Our team though about scenarios where you would yell Hello and realized that when you lose your parent at the store you usually yell hello or their name. we developed that idea into a fast-paced, stressful, and fun speedrunnable game

This game is VERY fast paced and you have to find your dad as fast as possible.
