Survival 2

Awaiting connection

All sprites by me

no sfx or music yet :/

When playing, Zombies will have a chance of spawning randomly across the map. At 3:00AM In game, A wave of zombies will spawn that will get bigger every wave.

Destroy trees and rocks to get materials for building.

Slime has a chance of dropping after killing a zombie. Slime slows down enemies.


1- Pickaxe

2- Sword

Q- Build mode

Enter- Pause

/- Fullscreen

Notice for online mode:

(1/3) Online mode is not perfect and you may experience bugs playing it.

(2/3) If you're connect to another player but you can't see them in-game, try leaving the game and reloading.

(3/3) If you have a bad internet connection, the game may be severly desynced.


(1/2) Online mode has a ban list

(2/2) I may add a latency check for online mode in the future
