The Last Survivor of Apocalypse : Part 2


One day, there was an accident. Some mafia are trying to make potions that can change the structure of human cells, becoming zombies. The potion was successfully made and has been tested on several people. But unfortunately some of these zombies managed to escape from the experimental laboratory, and started infecting other humans. Not only that, the zombies also mutated into a group of vicious zombies with various strengths. A young man suddenly wakes up in a street and loss memory. He tried to get out of there, but it was not that easy. When he looked outside, there were lots of zombies out there. He was determined to eradicate all the zombies. Curious about the continuation of the story of the young man's experience?? Did he succeed in eradicating all the existing zombies and made world save?? Or is there something wrong behind the appearance of all the zombies?? Look forward to the excitement of the Youth's adventures in the game "The Last Survivor of Apocalypse"


This Game is divided into 5 levels :

-The Lab

-Under The Sea

-Deep In the Darkness

-Between the Death

-The Truth


Control :

Full screen = F

Push Lever, Looting, Get to Next Level = Collision

Walk = W,A,S,D

Aim = Mouse cursor

Shooting = Left Click


Enjoy... :)











This Game Made by : Dempo Per Sempre :
