Poetry For Neanderthals


How To Play

Minimum Players: 4 (In Real Life)

Forum Post

Objective of

Poetry for Neanderthals

The objective of Poetry for Neanderthals is to score more points than your opponents by successfully getting your teammates to guess words while only giving them one syllable clues.

Setup for

Poetry for Neanderthals

Divide the players into teams. You should divide the players as equally as possible.

Players should sit around the table so the teams alternate positions. They will choose who on their team with be the first Neanderthal Poet.

This player takes the phone/device, making sure their teammate cannot see the screen.


Poetry for Neanderthals

When the "Next" button is clicked, a 3 second count off will be given before the round starts.

During the round the Poet is trying to get their teammates to guess as many words/phrases from the Poetry cards as possible.

Describing the Word/Phrase

The Poet begins their turn when the count down finishes. This player should quickly study the card to see what word/phrase they are trying to get their teammates to guess. The player can either go for the one or three point word/phrase.

The Poet will describe their chosen word/phrase to their teammate. They can describe it in any way they want, but they need to follow a few rules.


If the Poet says a word with more than 1 syllable, they must lose 1 point (by clicking the Red "-1" circle)

If the Poet gets the top word, they may take the +1 point, or try and get the second part of the card, worth +3 points.

The team with the most points in the end is the winner.

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