Adventure of Banana Boi


Once upon a time, there was a guy named Banana Boi. He was just an average Joe, lived in a small house, and had a simple life. One day, while his underwear was drying on the clothesline, a strong gust of wind blew it away. Banana Boi chased after it until he lost sight of it. He ran through the fields, past the trees, and over the hills. He ran and ran, but he could not find his underwear.

As he was about to give up, he stumbled upon a mysterious portal. Without any second thought, Banana Boi jumped into it, hoping that it would take him to his underwear. But little did he know that he had just entered a realm worse than hell. It was dark and gloomy, and there was no way out. The portal had sucked him in, and now he had to find a way to escape this place.

After wandering around for some time, he found out that the only way to exit was to collect ten bananas scattered throughout the realm. Banana Boi started his quest, and it wasn't easy. The realm was full of obstacles and dangerous creatures. He had to fight through giant spiders, dodge fireballs, and cross treacherous bridges. But, he was determined to get out of this realm.

As Banana Boi collected more bananas, he noticed that he was getting stronger and faster. With every banana he collected, he felt more confident in his ability to escape this realm. He fought his way through the dangers that came his way, and he never gave up.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he collected the tenth banana. Suddenly, the realm started to shake, and the portal that brought him here appeared before him. Banana Boi ran towards it and jumped through it without looking back.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself back in his backyard. He was relieved to be back in the real world and to have his feet on solid ground. From that day onwards, he never took anything for granted and appreciated every little thing around him.

Banana Boi's adventure had taught him a valuable lesson. He realized that sometimes things happen unexpectedly, and you have to be prepared to face the challenges that come your way. He learned to be grateful for the little things in life and to never give up hope, no matter how tough the situation may seem.

That was the adventure of Banana Boi, a simple guy who went looking for his underwear and found a lesson that would stay with him for the rest of his life.

Arrow keys to move, space bar to shoot with the laser flintlock, walk into stuff to pick it up.

Please do keep in mind that the mobile version is still under development so we would advise you don't download that until further notice.
