


Loud noises up ahead, be careful!


[up/down/right/left] to select. Use this to navigate the color wheel and select characters/enemies.

[enter/backspace] to confirm/go back. Use this to go back to the color wheel if you want to change what you're swapping in.


There are two different phases during battle:

Your turn: use this turn to swap out characters, or skip if you feel like you're set. After making a choice, you will automatically attack if you can.

Enemy's turn: during this turn, the enemy will attack. When they finish attacking you will get a chance to swap in new party members, but take note, you can only swap with empty spaces.

There are three different classes:

Attack: does damage to the enemy

Defense: draws agro and reduces the number of party members hit

Utility: currently has no use

The enemy will hit two of your party members each turn if there are no defense units in your party.

You win if you deplete the enemy's hp and lose when 6 party members have been knocked out at any point in time.
