Hank game


Happy birthday gavin! Love you!

Mobile - move with left side buttons, right side 8 buttons shoot in direction. Reload button above Swap button switches to pick up/put down and grab button.

Controller - move with left stick, aim with right. Pause with start. A to pick up and put down D-pad up to put into inventory, left for 1, down for 2, right for 3. X to reload

WASD to move. Move mouse to aim, click to shoot. Space is to pick up and put down. R is reload, and E is put away.

Feed glup shitto seeds to make hoes, use hoes to till ground, plant seeds in ground to grow plants that drop items. Enemies drop seeds when killed. Pick up seeds and walk into tilled dirt to start to grow plants. YOU CAN SWIM BTW. (I didn’t have time for a tutorial)

Top buttons are: full screen, restart, and pause

I apologize early on for all the bugs, I know you don’t keep stats between levels, I know sometimes the walls don’t load in correctly, and I know it’s no longer multiplayer. I’m planning on fixing all that I just had to finish everything before gavin bday.
