Quest for Meat: The Quest for Veganism


After years of peace and tranquility, the Red Ship already had everything he wanted... He got to rule an entire dimension, have many friends, and eat all the steaks he wants. But that didn't seem to be enough. As red ship continued his perfect life, it began seeming less perfect. All his friends got to their own things and forgot about the red ship. Over time, since there was so much steak already, it got less and less special for the Ship to eat every time. He grew bitter and sick of steak, and chose to stop eating it. He now has an extreme distaste for steak and wants to go vegan. That may not be the only reason... He realized that Steak was made by killing skellies, because cows dont exist apparantly. The skellies eventually realized it and dwindled in their numbers, the skellies suddenly went to a common creature, to an endangered species. Red Ship's journeys has changed his perception on reality, and he felt horrible.

Because of the skellies dying out, Giga Skelly disbanded and his children escaped to the North.

The eyes and hands of roth also suddenly vanished. It was rumored that the left hand wanted to quit being a boss because he wasn't even designed correctly. the right hand decided to be a barber however.

The Emoji was enraged by Red Ship's beleifs, so he moved to the west and took the pet rock with him. But one day he may re-engage with the ship, maybe through a happy casual conversation, but it seems to be much too awkward right now.

Mr. Math filed for a promotion from his boss, Mister Puddingface. And he was accepted. He traveled to another, more prosperous realm, to begin teaching officially. His old schoolhouse was bought out by Mr. Walker and the Nose of Roth, who were fired from the Emoji's cult.

Flowman realized the realm was in good hands, with the wizard dead and all. So he eventually left to his homeland in the Flowlabs. A big party with everybody was held by everybody, excluding the Monster as he was too butthurt to show up. Anywhere, he must really hate life now...

The Mouth of Roth, similarly to the red ship, became a vegetarian after finding out what steak was. That was what he tried to tell everybody, but we all know it was the Redness squids gaining the balls to stand up to him. Instead of munching on innocents, the Mouth is now a famous rapper somewhere in vegas. Known for his rap song 'Ain't got the teeth' that went Bored Mode in it's first week.

The Compooder Squad was torn apart on that fabled day... When loading bar tried to poison Hard Drive's milk, and the two of them got into a bloody shootout, ending with Loading Bar going to a mental asylum with a broken outer layer. Hard Drive is retired from his gun wielding days and is in rehabilitation, Cursor went on to be a farmer. And nobody knows what happened to Task Manager, he was found dead in bed one day.

The Brain of Roth passed away at an impressively old age of 435, his funeral was very big. Nobody knows how Roth's individual limbs are still alive now, they refuse to share their secrets.

Illusiocon.... Well... Remember the blue orb with six eyes? The evil wizard may have been the one ruling the world, but Illusiocon pulled the strings. He was so mad that nobody took him seriously... But then he realized his seal in the Other Hub was.... BROKEN!!! The other ships that were trapped in a folder for as long as anybody can remember... they got out, and they freed Illusiocon to try and get revenge on the surface dwellers...

The Red Ship's world was rocked by the ships, primarily their big brown boss. He must bring up his violent past once again to stop the new threat to world order. Not really the ships however. Illusiocon is the main problem. He corrupted a lot of the old stuff and brainwashed the Ship's remaining friends to kill him. He also has these four stones shaped after letters, that allow him to enbody certain colors... He can only use one of them at a time. But he needs to be stopped before he somehow wield them ALL AT ONCE!!! Nobody will stop him if can use them all.

Wait, we forgot something... Bootleg the shopkeeper was given major war crime charges for trying to bomb Red Ship's house at night. Thankfully the Ship managed to intercept the bomb and call the police. Bootleg was faced with life sentencing. But he continued to fight and end the police one by one. It took four months for the police to release a report, detailing how Bootleg was terminated. But it is said that he is still alive today, living inside a dumpster near Walker School. Some say that he is working with Mr. Walker in secret. He is often reffered to as "Lamp Greaser" or "Crazy Boot" The police claim that he is a different person than Bootleg and refuse to persue him further due to the hefty bribes the Nose of Roth gives to them.
