M.E.Q.T. [Multiplayer w/ Chat]

Awaiting connection

ENTER or the E> button to join chat (and spawn into the map), type in chat, and send what you typed

WSAD or hold Right Click to move your lego mech around

SPACE or hold Left Click to shoot

The button in the upper right toggles Fullscreen (don't press ESC; it ruins it)

+ - keys (or Mouse Wheel when in fullscreen) to zoom in or out

UP DOWN or the / / buttons to scroll chat

The button with the 4 directional arrows will move the chat if you press and hold it.

This is just a basic concept; eventually I'll expand this to a bigger, more polished game (e.g. eventually all of the UI will be Lego). Currently there is a 3 player max (sorry, with 4 or more players the game acts up a lot and is an overall worse experience) but maybe more players per match will be possible in the future...

I designed the Lego mech myself (and made the sprites manually using Stud.io); however, the gun design is a modified version of the one linked below, which was created by user "the sylince", whom I have received permission from (over Reddit of all places) to use the gun design: https://www.flickr.com/photos/188298872@N07/51445433115/

(Here's proof I received permission: https://photos.app.goo.gl/qTuFUpim9E9Pq1ox6)

There's no music yet; I'm waiting on permission to use a specific song :)
