M.E.Q.T. [Multiplayer w/ Chat]

Awaiting connection

[Enter] or the [E>] button to join chat (and spawn into the map), type in chat, and send what you typed
[WSAD] or hold [Right Click] to move your lego mech around
[Space] or hold [Left Click] to shoot
[F] or the button in the upper right toggles Fullscreen (don't press ESC; it ruins it)
[ + - ] keys (or [Mouse Wheel] when in fullscreen) to zoom in or out
[Up Down] or the [ /\ \/ ] buttons to scroll chat
The button with the 4 directional arrows will move the chat if you press and hold it.

This is just a basic concept; eventually I'll expand this to a bigger, more polished game (e.g. eventually all of the UI will be Lego). Currently there is a 3 player max (sorry, with 4 or more players the game acts up a lot and is an overall worse experience) but maybe more players per match will be possible in the future...

I designed the Lego mech myself (and made the sprites manually using Stud.io); however, the gun design is a modified version of the one linked below, which was created by user "the sylince", whom I have received permission from (over Reddit of all places) to use the gun design: https://www.flickr.com/photos/188298872@N07/51445433115/

(Here's proof I received permission: https://photos.app.goo.gl/qTuFUpim9E9Pq1ox6) ***

There's no music yet; I'm waiting on permission to use a specific song :)
