Road To Esodel


How do our choices affect us when we die?

And is there any way to redeem yourself afterwards?


Movement: Arrow Keys

Attack: E

The Lands of the Underworld

Arium: The first level of the Underworld. This is where heroes and people who lived their lives fully and kindly will go.

Esodel: The second level of the Underworld. This is where people who weren't bad or evil, but still commited multiple sins will go.

Perrinform: The third level of the Underworld. This is where many of the world's worst people will go. People who commited crimes, and sinned to the point of no redemption.

The Inbetween: The areas seperating the three levels of the Underworld. These keep anyone from leaving their level. The gateway between Perrinfrom and Esodel is guarded by the Seven Deadly Sins. The gateway between Esodel and Arium is guarded by sparks, the sparks of good in people. The doors may only be opened by The Door Opener.

The Lords and Entities of the Underworld

Arium: The lord of Arium, the first level of the Underworld. She is just and fair, although a little self-righteous and stuck up. She isn't a huge fan of redemption, wanting in keeping her land without outsiders.

Esodel: The lord of Esodel, the second level of the Underworld. She is fairly kind and believes fully in redemption, she is the one that came up with the idea of Redemption Roads. She is also a pacifist, and usually never uses her powers.

Perrinform: The lord of Perrinform, the third level of the Underworld. She is very cruel and a bringer of chaos. She doesn't support the Redemption Roads since they bring Souls out of her domain.

The Seven Deadly Sins: The seven guards of The Inbetween of Esodel and Perrinform. They also serve as Perrinform's higher ups. Each of represents one of The Seven Deadly Sins, Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth. Their personalities are fully represented around each sin.

The Door Opener: The lord who keeps the doors between the three levels of the Underworld locked and secure.

Sparks: The spark of good in every Soul creates a Spark. These Sparks serve as guides for the Soul they represent. They also serve as the guards between Esodel and Arium.

Shadows of Life: Whatever sins or wrong doings done by a Soul accumulates into a shadow. They live in the world of Perrinform and are also the main entity a Soul needs to defeat if they are to redeem themselves through Redemption Road.

Souls: These are mortals who have passed on. They are the main inhabitants of Arium, Esodel, and Perrinform.

Redemption Road

This is the challenge that souls can take if they wish to pass through the three levels of the Underworld. Although, they are only given one chance.

The Road to Esodel: This is the Redemption Road between Perrinform and Esodel. Souls may pass through The Inbetween, but must face off the Seven Deadly Sins and their Shadow of Life.

The Road to Arium: This is the Redemption Road between Esodel and Arium. Souls may pass through The Inbetween, but must face off multiple Sparks in order to reach Arium. This challenge is much more difficult than The Road to Esodel.


Created by: ARRTY

Music and Sfx made by: Flowlab

Created for the 2023 Winter Flowjam
