Dragon Staff? (Reverse TD)


You, as a dragon, control the red target circle, while the wizard controls the dotted white circle. The further your red target is from the wizard's aim circle when a spell hits your target, the more suspicious the wizard will be of you. So you can try and help the townsfolk kill the wizard (and maybe get a chance of escaping the wizard's staff) or you can help the wizard survive by aiming true to where he wants.

This is a reverse tower defense game.

It likely will not be completed by the Flowjam deadline, but that's alright since it's mainly just a technical experiment anyway.

If anyone experiences a bug where the wizard starts moving off of the path at the very beginning of the level, press ESC to open the editor, go load the "Combat" level again, and then play it.

The wizard stopping and being able to get pushed off the trail is intentional, since he is waiting for the trail's end to go a certain distance ahead of him.
If you are stuck on how to play or have feedback for how to improve this, please leave a comment here: https://community.flowlab.io/t/dragon-staff-reverse-td/41990
