Fer the Rat (Leah Rodriguez)


Game in progress A simple Mario Bros style game about a rat called Fer (Fernando)


- All levels require a key to open a metal door that is located in a random location in the level.

- In most levels there is a lever (or switch) to make black blocks disappear


1. The first level is more than a tutorial, if it is difficult to know what to do, perhaps you should read the instructions that are throughout the tutorial level.

2. In the second level you have already started playing for real and you have to look for the key and it is NOT optional to use the lever.

3. Level 3 is the level that has had the most criticism, and that is why I had to nerf the slimes and the golden spikes.

To pass this level follow the same rules as the previous level and in this level, it IS optional if you want to use the lever.

4. This level is also one of the reasons for the nerf on objects that can hurt, mostly because before there were many more yellow spikes.

To pass it you can follow the previous tips (Find door, key and lever/switch) and also don't forget the fifth tip.

5. This was a level that I wanted to be unexpected but I couldn't put many things in there.

To pass it you have to avoid touching heads at all costs.

There are small holes in the ground where you can hide until the head is far away and you can move forward, in them or nearby you can find coins.

Just like in all levels you have to find a way to open the metal door with the key. It will be quite difficult for you if you are not quick.

that's all always appreciate it if you play at least one level or give it a like
