In the not-so-distant future, air travel has evolved beyond our wildest dreams. But sometimes, dreams turn into nightmares. As the last passenger disembarks, the cabin lights dim, and the aircraft sighs a sentient sigh, for it knows its purpose is far from over. On an abandoned passenger aircraft, floating in the twilight zone between reality and the surreal. R.O.O.M.B.A. (Robotic Orbital Orbiter for Maintenance and Basic Assistance): R.O.O.M.B.A., a humble cleaning droid, awakens from its charging slumber. Its photoreceptors flicker to life, revealing a maze of empty seats, discarded magazines, and half-eaten space pretzels. The passengers have vanished, leaving behind a trail of crumbs, spilled coffee, and forgotten secrets.

Your mission, as R.O.O.M.B.A., is clear: reclaim the ship. Armed with tiny grabby claws and a robo-heart full of determination. You navigate the aisles, dodging rogue space gunk and crushing rocks. But beware the aircraft harbors more than dust bunnies. Ghostly echoes of conversations linger, and shadows dance in the galley.

Use Arrow Keys to navigate. Press "R" to restart current level
