New Game


UK Civil and Criminal Legal Services Equitable Culmination No Concluision depicts the variables especially in Civil Matters like debt, where Pre-Action Protocol is applied first to establish whether or not debt is authentic or disingenuine. UK Civil Procedure Rules too will be applied, Legispation like Statute of Limitations Act 1980 Section 24 prohibiting debt recovery action in England and Wales after 6 years for simple contracts and after 12 years for motrgages would be applied. Conclusion is either in the negative or positive, if negstive simple letter is sent to alleged creditor. If positive the client is prepared for the County Court Hearing during which the defence is presented to the Judge for the upholding or dismissal of the debt claim.

Case Law, relevant documents for the necessary history are all assessed during consultations with clients to expedite the dismissal of the alleged debt claim.

Emplyment Tribunal Claims filed by Employees dismised is also depicted in the Video Game flow especially as Business Employers and Employees often review overall office obligations and conduct, this Video Game can assist both Employers and Employees to avoid the Employment Tribunal Proceedings highlighted especially by the submarine depiction for example.

The FAQ's are as follows:-

How do I recognise debt from the Video Game Flow.

The submarine depiction depicts pursuit, debt collection letters from Debt Collection Agents and or Solicitors are exactly the same. If you receive any letter(s) from Debt Collection Agents and or Solicitors check the letter head for their address including the foot note with the name, signature and business name, address, company registration number etc.

Which Statutue covers debt in England and Wales.

Statute of Limitations Act 1980 Section 24. Do I have to pay debts for simple Contracts after 6 years. No you do not. Do I have to pay Mortgage arrears after 12 years, no you do not, better to prevent the problem though instead.

UK Business FAQ's for Employment Tribunal Claim(s) avoidance:

Is it lawful for Business Employers to deduct from Employee Salary irrespective of any difficulties or misunderrstandings at work. UK Employment Rights Act 1997 Section 13 prohibits unauthorised deductions from salary without the Employees agreement or consent.

Further FAQ's will be issued soon as possible.


Players are to decide which application of the submarine depiction corresponds to their specific circumstance(s) for example it colud be debt or employment that are causing concern, or your landlord, or partner, it could be anything, the approach for remedies are the same, applied in different ways as demonstrated above.

Once the problem is identified the Video Game levels are to be attempted within the time frame given.

Players that experience re-starting or repeats, are to start again to continue and conclude the Video Game.
