Pathfinding 3: Hyper-Optimized (Top Down, No Waypoints, Multiple Targets)


Hold [Right Click] to move the Blue player characters around, and the Green characters should follow the nearest Blue.

You can [Left Click] on any character (or dark grey wall) to destroy it.

[Left Click] and drag the light grey boxes to move them around

Press [~] (Tilda) to view or hide what the Waypoints' search would look like

NOTE: I have this set to allow for the ai's to move diagonally, but it can cause them to get stuck if there are 2 blocks only touching corners diagonally. If you don't want that, just remove the expressions labelled with "Up Right" "Up Left" "Down Right" and "Down Left" from the pathfinder parent object, and then the ai should only move in the 4 cardinal directions (but will no longer get stuck on diagonal corners).

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