Nooby Jumpy Adventure!

Awaiting connection

A testing game: Help Nooby find a way out of this doom place that no one would ever want to be here! get badges find secrets and many many more! updates soon

GRASSLANDS: I added level one but its not done yet and badges not done also a background was added and a cover too or maybe soon Hopefully you enjoy this game. level one done

SNOWY MOUNTAINS: level two was added and more monster and snow and more things too and maybe a new clover new update maybe its going to cool!

VOLCANIC MINES: NEW LEVEL and more lava and more things will be added new monsters and monster death animation maybe.

UNDERGROUND NEW LEVEL the hardest yet! and there is a new character that you can play as don't forget to wall jump!

final... the game has just begun... can you beat it and claim your award? race against very happy and win!.... its hard though he has a speed of 11... you only have 8 win the game and end him....

updates soon as the play count hits 250! or 100! EVERYTHING YOU SEE HERE IS NOT FINAL!

Finish the game for real this time

... theres something in here ...

made by Nooby productions version (3.14.1)
