CIA Triad



*Click which answer you think is correct and use the arrows to move! *

Game Objective

Welcome to my CIA Triad Game. In this game, a robber has confronted you; a police officer, and demands that you answer three CIA Triad questions. Why exactly he wants you to do this is unknown, but the only way you can catch him off guard is by answering all of his questions correctly.

Objective: Answer all the questions correctly as fast as you can by clicking the correct CIA Triad answer!

Explanation of CIA Triad

The CIA triad is a framework that combines three key information security principles: confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Confidentiality is the secrecy of data information. Integrity is the intact data in it's original state. Availability is being able to access the data. Your job is to determine what breach occurred for each question!

How will playing this game help you understand the concepts?

Playing this game will help you understand the security concepts better by explaining what the CIA Triad is-- shown in the description above-- but also putting you in a tense environment where you have to think quickly and precisely about the concepts at hand and will help you better memorize it.
