crab race


a game about crab


to pinch: pinch meter or drag across screen

angry vacationer: you have to hide so you don't get caught(game over) Anger Bar goes down the more you hide, when done vacationer leaves

vacationer frenzy, a horde of vacationers chases you RUN!

different vacationer types

fat ones are bothered the most, any pinch makes them angry

tropical vacationer: used to pinches, takes many,many pinches to get angry, angry longer

old vacationer, light pinches makes them angry long reach cane, slow

children: constantly running around, fast low anger bar

lifeguards: can spot you and cause a vacationer frenzy if seen for too long, the fastest

different levels with different locations and new vacationer types

Hiding spots, caves ground holes, rocks,bushes, trees

Digging feature: dig by swiping to uncover collectables and achievements, items gain more points. you can also dig to hide if you have time

setting: a remote beach island

type of game: top down

if you touch water you die

types of crab customization:

beach hat glasses cardboard box traffic cone crab car turtle crab

different colored crabs

basic parts

basic movement swiping targeting vacationers
