Secure Last Outpost by Chip


In a desolate post-apocalyptic world, humanity's last remaining outpost is under constant threat from hostile factions and mutated creatures. As a skilled driver and marksman, your objective is to navigate the treacherous terrain, fend off enemy attacks, and secure vital resources to fortify the outpost's defenses. Engage in high-octane vehicle combat, strategic maneuvering, and precise shooting to ensure the survival of the outpost against relentless assaults. Only by securing the outpost and repelling all threats can you pave the way for humanity's survival in this unforgiving world and reach the safety outpost . HINT FOLLOW THE ROAD

in order to engage in combat run the undead over with your car however this also damges you a little bit,and dont hit the barriers
Gas=uparrow brake=backarrow steerleft=left arrow steerright =right arrow fullscreentoggle =tab M=play music 0=stop music
