Around 15 minutes at Stick's


Flashing lights warning

F or left trigger on controller for full screen

Press space or right trigger on controller in vent view to shine light

Run out of door power, click and hold on the door to close it

Ya this game is more focused on the custom night

Dev personal record on 4/20 mode w/ door power v1.0: Beaten

Dev personal record on 4/20 mode without door power v1.0: Holy crap 4/20 no door power is possible, I did it

dev personal record on 8/20 mode: 2am

Update log: Made it so you have to press a button to track spider... this has made them so much harder and more tense to deal with and I love it. If you guys dont like It I will either rework it or change it back to how it was, but in my opinion the old system was way to easy to deal with so spider was never really that much of a threat if you were paying attention

Update log: Woo I think this might be a safe say of version 1. Obviously some bits still need polish but it works. And note, I FULLY know the phone calls need to be louder, im working on it. Fixed an issue where crawler and runner couldnt be stalled the way I wanted them to be. That has been fixed. Im pretty sure gameplay wise I got what I wanted so v1 it is

Update log V 1.0.5: Visual overhaul update in progress. Updating ui and room visuals

Update log V 1.0.7: Added more custom night options and a new custom night only character

V 1.0.8: Added another cn only character and a new custom night option, blackout mode... cus who needs vision am I right

V 1.1: Added the last character. Visual upgrades to the extras menu, added posters, finished touching up rooms, stick now succeed a movement opportunity when at the door for over 25 seconds, added an extra auto cue to spider, added auto cue to crawler, tweeked the main six nights, added special portrates for everyone's custom night ai level, probably more things im forgetting

V 1.1.1: Added a bar on it to give an indicator for when its about to attack... and probably some other change im forgetting cus I forgot to document the change as it happened

V 1.1.2: Changed stick's ai. Stick now can go to cam 4 from cam 5, stick can move to cam 5 after attacking the front door, if you close the side door on stick preemptively he can turn around and head straight to your front door

V 1.1.3: bug fixes

v 1.1.4: Added something

V 1.1.5: Made vanisher harder to deal with

v 1.1.6: Added flashlight battery. Felt it was to easy to just spam the vent light so now you cant do that without punishment

So. Back in V1.0 when it was just the 4 I made a proposition that anyone who could beat 4/20 mode no door power id venmo $50 cus I thought it was impossible, well I did it so that wager was off. Now with new custom night characters and options the hardest challenge went from 4/20 ndp... to 8/20, no door power, no cameras, no vent light, blackout mode and not letting the something added in v 1.1.4 into your office. Can freely activate it by pressing W This might be $80 worth. So like before, If anyone does it send me the video of it, my channel on youtube is:

I want a video of you starting on the main menu, going to custom night, setting everyone to 20, selecting each option (besides endless), pressing the begin button, immediately pressing W and then doing the night, if I notice any cuts in the middle of gameplay that is an automatic disqualification, hell raw unedited footage id actually prefer, im willing to sit through half an hous worth of attempts.

also my record for that challenge is... 12 am

also 8/20 is possible

Music credit:

Main menu: Five Nights at Chuck E Cheese's: Rebooted OST - Taraxacum

Settings: Cave Story - Gestation

Custom night menu: Resident Evil Remake Soundtrack "Save Heaven"

Custom Night: Friday Night Funkin': Treasure Island - Loneliness (Night 1)

Game over: Is that the door: Zero-G

Extras: dust collector (intro loop & slowed)
