The Broken Soul


- Hey, looks like someone was too tired to get in here, huh? Man, you gotta rest somewhere else more cozy than sleeping on the flying island.

- I don’t think they are hearing us, or are they?

- Come on, they spend time getting in here, or maybe come here by the way we go?

- Good question… I don’t know?

- Same, but what are we gonna do with this guy?

- Ugh, stop asking questions.

- Okay, okay, I guess just wake them up.

- Fine, let’s give it a shot.

You’re feeling like something trying to roll you away.

- Come on, wake up. Wake up.


You wake up suddenly and the voice disappears. Everything you see in the distance is an empty space and many flying islands. The only thing you remember is the important mission you need to finish and… the war. You realize that there are many flying islands in a straight line like a welcome or an omen ready to see you. You start to go to those islands and now, the story actually begins.
