Sonic the Hedgehog: Flowlab Edition - Green Hill Zone Demo


Game Description: Play as Sonic in his first title, now (Partially) ported over to the Flowlab engine! Travel through Green Hill Zone as you collect rings and smash motobugs!

Game Controls: Use the ENTER key to start the game, the LEFT and RIGHT keys to control Sonic, UP key to look up, DOWN key to crouch (Or to curl up), and the Z key to jump. (This game has two available options for full screen. For modern 16:9 screens, use the L key to toggle the letterboxed full screen option. For older 4:3 screens, use the S key to toggle the stretched full screen option.)

Score Chart:

1 Ring - 100 Points

Ring Monitor - 1000 Points

Motobug - 100 Points

1UP - 100 Points

Ring Bonus - x100 per ring

Time Bonus - 50000 Points, deducted down as time passes

General Description: This project is an attempt at making a Sonic game that actually feels like a Sonic game, as most Flowlab projects tend to lack that speedy feel (Not calling out any specific fan games, just the vast majority of fan games on this platform). Not everything in this game is perfect, but it's good enough to be an example of a 2D Sonic Engine.

Free Edition Limits: Due to the fact that this project was built on the Free Edition version of the Flowlab Engine, numerous items from the original game had to be removed or cut down in order to comply with the 50-block limit contained in the Free Edition. Here's a list of notable items changed or removed due to this:

With all of that out of the way, the game should mostly function like the original game.

Bugs: There are some bugs present in the game, partially due to the limits of the Free Edition engine. Here's a list of notable bugs:

There are plenty more minor bugs, have fun finding them all I guess.

Credits/Notice: This game has been programmed and tested by TheGamer2000. Tracks, track renditions & SFX by TheGamer2000/Sega, Sprites by Sega. Sonic the Hedgehog ©1991, 2024 Sega. This rendition ©2024 TheGamer2000, original game ©1991 Sega. All original characters, art (OG Sprites) & sounds by Sega. Programs used: Ultrabox (Beepbox Mod), Flowlab (Game Engine), Spriters' Resource (Sprites), and Sounds Resource (SFX).

Note that this game will run in 30fps 2x Speed on slow, laggy, and underpowered computers. This may result in errors and bugs not normally seen on faster computers. This game is only designed for computer devices with a functioning keyboard. Devices without a keyboard will not function properly.
