Radio Interception


WELCOME, to the world of RADIO INTERCEPTION. This is a game based around defeating cartel members and bosses in order to discover the truth about your parents!

BACKSTORY: 17 year old Josie Joestar (You) Live all alone in a small town in Mexico. Back at the time when you were only 8 years old, your parents mysteriously went missing and have never come back since. it is now your job to try and find them to bring them back home safely.

COMBAT: The Combat in this game is based around the idea of 'STANDS'. A 'STAND' is basically the materialisation of ones fighting spirit. Only those with immense resolve, persistance and fighting spirit are able to possess a 'STAND'. each 'STAND' comes with its own unique ability. In this game, only you, minibosses and the final boss possess 'STANDS' and smaller enemies do not. The star shaped icon on the top left of your screen is your 'Special Attack Metre'. once you use enough attacks and charge it up, you can unleash a 'Special Attack'.


Moving: WSAD Stand Ability: Q Stand Barrage: E Reset Level: R Fullscreen: F


-In each Stage, there is a secret substage with either a minigame or secret miniboss (These have nothing to do with the story and are purely meant for fun) Try to find them all. -Poisonous mushrooms hurt so be careful -you can regain life withe the various hearts around the map
