

Create keyframe animations for your game.

Download for windows:


How-to-use video included.

Due to an engine bug, a download will not be avalible.

Instructions and tips

"H" - Hide Grid

"/" - Hide HUD

Touch and hold the left click button to move a keyframe.

After a keyframe modification, press the "reload data" button.

Press on any existing keyframe to edit its attributes.

Use W, A, S and, D to move a keyframe by 1 pixel

Use the "+ and "-" buttons at the top to adjust game width (W) and height (H).

Press the camera button to unlock/ lock the camera (Use arrow keys to move), (Q and E to zoom).

Default Zoom: 100

Click on any number value and type to change it. Remember to press Enter afterwards.

X, Y: Mouse Screen Coordinates

GX, GY: Mouse Game Coordinates

GW, GH: Game width and height size


1/21/25 (12:33AM)

-Use W, A, S, and D to move a keyframe by 1 pixel

-Hover over a keyframe to reveal its exact position

1/20/25 (10:52PM)

-Public Release
