You should read the lag, and bug alerts just in- case
A, D to move, W to jump. F to Hit. S for special ability. B to interact. Z to use items.
Dev tools: (Don't use dev tools if you want to play the game, dev tools are used for going around the map without having to walk there.)
Arrow keys to move Camera. Enter to reset camera. Backspace to toggle death from out of view camera. - & = to zoom in and zoom out. 0 + -/= to make zooming in or out more effective. 8 for early access stuff. (Ps. You cannot turn toggle this off)
(If you have death from out of view camera on, turn it off when falling in the void so you don't infinitely fall in the void. If your falling in the void and you have this, and you turn it off for the level to be able to restart, you might have to wait a little bit before it restarting the level. You may have to press backspace two times for it to toggle)
Artist guy or whatever its called: MrCap
This is in testings phase, expect bugs, and random objects placed around the map
about the game
TwoPM. Is a rpg 2d(Or indie I don't know) Updates are frequent I guess, very small frequent updates. The games suppose to take multiple attempts. The game has lore and has a story line. (More updates will come soon) (Ps. Its a calming game don't worry about it being a really hard/rage game.) Ion't know how to fix lag :C. Ps. Alot of stuff are rushed, so expect not-so-good kind of stuff. The game is made for fun. Updates are random, (Ps. Updates about the lore wont come out till all the techs and stuff are finished)
Update/Change logs
December 29th 2024
Buffed player speed: 8 > 9
December 30th 2024
Janurary 4th 2025
X2 ability speed boost no longer adds 0.5.
X2 ability speed boost: 0.5 > 1.0
I buffed the ability cause it was really hard to get. And it would feel stupid to get a ability so hard to get but is so bad.
Upcoming Updates: (These may drop randomly)
Side abilitys (these are [mostly] gonna be passive abilitys, but they could be others) Side abilitys are going to be able to obtained near the end game. Right now.
The only side ability right now is the one for (me) to use, so I can get around the map. (its pretty much a dev tool.) Clicking completly resets speed (even if you have a speed boost or you're slowed down.) Right clicking makes you jump (high) and sets your speed to 30.
New dev tools:
You can now press 8 for some early access stuff.
Code: eee_team
Sprite helper: MrCap.
Special player: You C:
"Please use's air balloons the right way." - Naile ( employee) Air balloons instructions.
B to toggle on or off of it.
You can control the air balloon (a little) with A & D.
You can press 1 or 2 before going on the air balloon to control where it goes (2 makes it go left, and 1 makes it go right)
Air balloons go back to its original position after 2.5 seconds, after you get off.
Before getting off air balloon just know you will be getting off of the left side.
Don't fall off!
"'s Air balloons are still pretty new, so if you go flying off to somewhere random. Sorry about that" - Signed Naile ( employee)
Also if you were to go to random places you'd probaly fall in the void, (Please try not to do that if you don't want your progress to be restarted because you had to refresh)
Talking to 2 people at the same time may cause the text bubbles to not appear.
Pressing 2 to change the direction of hot Balloon might send you up-right direction at mach 20.
When Lpc's stop walking it might be delayed for the animation to stop (I hope its just lag)
Sounds may still play after even getting out of range of sounds.
When a sound plays and an impact frame happens at the same time the sound will be canceled out.
If on laptop, flowlab may freeze for a while.
Tab might freeze if you go to players code.
Impact frames might take longer than it usualy should cause of lag.
Map is pretty big, so you may/might lag.
Special mob drops:
5 slimes: Slumar rush ability (one time use and is temporary)
UNFINISHED ALERTS (beware of these)
Slime boss drop: Slime boss doesn't drop anything yet (In a future update it will though!)
Ability raritys:
Flowy wind (thingy): 100% (You start with it)
4 Sided: 90% (In most chests [Right now])
More abilitys coming soon (Do not go into the wind abilitys code and animation, you will deffinetly not find all the future abilitys)
Ps. The home screen will probaly has nothing to do with the actual game, I just like the design C: (3 days later: Actually no it will have to do something with the game. I think I'ma add lore
Pss. I don't know what to do about the game crashing everytime you hit something. (Fixed) (Feature deleted)
Psss. I found some cool bugs that I might as well make them a actual feature (I gave them names. "Smiley jump" "fluid jump" and "sword jump" (Original name of sword jump was object jump and before that was stim jump for some reason) (Also Smiley jump may be no longer a feature :CCC)
Pssss. Press b near the tutorial guy for some stupid tips, or some hints to some secret stuff
Psssss. Ok go away I'm not giving you anymore tips or stuff. (Ok to be honest maybe I will)
Pssssss. I use mixels, I don't care if the art looks bad
Psssssss. I drew the tutorials guy face in five seconds its not suppose to be creepy
Pssssssss. Dying will reset most/alot/some/little progress (Abilitys reset to default ability upon death)
Psssssssss. The menu screen was made in 5 seconds don't judge
Pssssssssss. Watch out for random objects (Like a cat and a smiley face)
Psssssssssss. Fun fact: the Naf in means not a furry cause I've been accused of being a furry a million times. (thinking of it I don't think its a "fun" fact anymore)
Pssssssssssss. The Naf.Co mails and travel is inspired by the mail system thingy with the whale from Undertale Yellow.
Pssssssssssss. Fde in this game means fake dj enjoyer.
Psssssssssssss. Why are you reading these "ps."(')s?
Pssssssssssssss. Just play the game already...
Play my other games C: