The level with your username is the level you stay in, RULES---1.--DO-NOT-MESS-WITH-OTHER-STUDENT'S-SPRITES-OR-LEVELS. Anyone who breaks this rule will be kicked (from the team). RULE---2.--DO NOT GO TO OTHER STUDENT'S LEVELS. Anyone who breaks this rule will be kicked (from the team).
The only other level than yours you are allowed to go to is the "home page"
Now for what to do, The purpose of this game called "sprite ideas" is to create sprites for the game we will create. Do your best
p.s. your sprites have to be approved by the monitors--who are, Owen, Henry2657, and Calb298.
p.s.s. you can't mess with the home page either.
p.s.s.s. Don't mess with things like gravity either.
p.s.s.s.s. To show the sprite is yours, put your username in the sprites name.
Code-Boss - Main Coder/Level designer/Assistant Artist
mtl150 - Assistant Sound Effects
mtl148 - Music
DaringJamFire - Assistant Coder
PPrice1964.myteklab - Other Stuff
cshtekbuilds - Main Artist
ComputerEnthusiast2062.myteklab - Assistant Music