

Wading through oil and muck...

[WSAD] / [Arrow Keys] / [Right Click] = Move Player
[+] / [-] = Zoom in / out
[R] = Respawn at last door
[P] = Pause / unpause game
[F] = Toggle Fullscreen

This was supposed to be a full-on dieselpunk ecosystem, but I ran out of time.
The animals and plants would have been mechanical too like the Player is, and the Player would have been able to hunt them for food, salvage their parts and learn to use each of their unique mechanisms (like the fishes' "gills" that allow them to extract oxygen from the surrounding oil to ignite the gas motor inside themselves [yes I know that isn't really possible in real life]), breed them, pit them against each other, etc. with everything following the idea of the player and each creature being in symbiosis with each other and with the ecosystem / world.

Inspired somewhat by Rain World (for the procedurally animated creatures) and Hidden Deep (for the mechanical designs that I pretty much entirely did not get to). link:
