


Left click Hold - Make yellow bees follow the mouse. When not following the mouse, they target the closest enemy.

Right Click - Turn white bees into yellow bees (5 second cool down)

Space Bar - short range melee attack (0.4 second cooldown)


A Wasp has infiltrated the hive and is taking control of the bees to fight back. As the queen, you must fight back to control your own hive and defeat the intruder!

Strategy for beating the second phase:

Enemy Bees spawn twice as much as normal bees, so you will need to grab some normal bees and try to keep at least 1 to move the enemy bee's to once side so you can melee all the enemy bees. Do this while any extra bees you have to attack the wasp.

Also: This game was made in the last 2 days of the 2 week Flowjam, so I'm pretty happy to what's here.

Thank you Glowbug for making the title screen art!

Features to add after the Jam:
