

Control - Fullscreen M2 - Dash M1 - Hit Wasd - ^ Let go of jump to go down quicker (Spammable)

A calming game for people who hates rage games.

"So hows the game" "I heard the same theme song atleast 500 times, you??"

Honestly my best game I made.

(If Flipping and music doesn't work try refreshing or getting in editor mode and out of editor mode)

With simple, easy, well explains tutorial.

Beware of bugs. (9000 to be exact)


Broken flowde

Added TEST boss (Not fully implemented but encountering has a 1/94 chance) | Nerfed Dashing | Buffed dashing | Camera is now in player and not in a seperate object (It will now be more robotic, so no more fanciness. This is cause the camera caused a bug and broke the game entirely [unplayable].) |

Fixes: Fixed Dashing

Other info: .5 update: Dashing goes faster. dashing goes less farther.

**Warning: Player might bug and start flying for no reason. I have no idea why this happens AT ALL.**