Player 1 (Blue/Green)
A - Left
D - Right
W - Jump
S - Rebound (List of tech #3-4)
Q - Melee Attack
E - Projectile
Player 2 (Red/Yellow)
J - Left
L - Right
I - Jump
K - Rebound (List of tech #3-4)
U - Melee Attack
O - Projectile
List of tech
Moonwalking: Hold one direction and then tap the other while still holding the first direction. If done correctly then you can move backward while shooting forwards. Each character can only strafe in one direction while moonwalking. I will try to find a workaround to allow strafing both ways.
Wall-cling (sort of): Simply hold up and towards a wall and you can barely cling to it. Sometimes it is possible to completely stick to a wall.
Recovering: Only when you are about to fall into the red blast zone will this option become available. Simply press S for player one or K for player two and you will be boosted upwards toward the last direction you held.
Foot-stool: This technique relates to the previous one as it uses the same input. If you are directly on top of your opponent then you can use S for player one or K for player two and you will gain the same boost as if you were recovering.