Original A Tale of Light and Darkness Director's Cut


Editors Message:

This is the Director's cut version of A Tale of Light and Darkness, meaning it's a more polished and finalised version of the original game, with better features as well.


Space To FIRE
E to EXIT (No Undoing)
Arrow keys to MOVE
R to Reload The Page
Up Arrow to use a Jump Pad


As The Darkness seeks to overthrow the light as in the Dawn of Time Divine Entities Created the Harbinger of Light "Lithios" to stop the Darkness and Defeat the 2 Lords of Darkness and Bring Peace and Illumination to the Universe.

Extra Information Inside.

"A Tale of Light and Darkness was a really ambitious entry, and I really enjoyed playing it" - Grazer

"The game looks pretty good, and the intro was amazing, though the controls and mechanics are a bit tough sometimes" - Rcreger

"Art 10/10 very pleasing to look at I could stare at these sprites for hours" - RamshackleGames
